Sky animation using CSS3 animation and javascript for complex dimensions calculation, all stars are div

Technical Skills








Oracle 10g

SQL Server


Windows XP, 7

Linux (CentOS, Ubuntu)

Mac OS X Server









Member of SUPINFO Security Laboratory from December, 2007 to June, 2008 :
Writing tutorials on security (Kerberos, webfwlog ...)

Professional Experiences

Dec 2018 - Present

INEAT Group, Shanghai, CHINA

Senior Web Developer
The activity of the agency in Shanghai is to provide expertise to companies wanting to set up or improve their digital strategy in China, mainly via WeChat (the Chinese Whatsapp) with marketing advice, advertising campaigns, blogging, mini-application in WeChat or vanilla HTML5 and tracking. In charge of the development of the company's SCRM, responsibilities are:
  • Watching latest evolutions of the WeChat API to deliver up-to-date guidance to clients and plan future developments.
  • Discussing with Account Managers to assess clients' need and prioritize developments on the current system.
  • Discussing with General Manager and taking part in the system's next version's design by providing ideas from a marketing perspective.
  • Developing new functionalities or improving current ones by decoupling dependencies and making reusable components.
  • Updating our codebase to use the latest open-source solutions available.
  • Handling all technical aspects regarding our SCRM, including: development, testing, UI/UX design, versioning, servers configuration and monitoring, production deployment and watching latest capabilities of the frameworks that are used.
  • Providing assistance to other developers regarding server administration, versioning, best practices, ... for their own projects.
Technical stack: WeChat API, PHP (Laravel/vanilla), Javascript (VueJS), MySQL, Redis, GIT, Apache/NGINX, CentOS.
Sep 2016 - Mar 2018, Aix-en-Provence, FRANCE

Back-end developer
Working in the maintenance team, development of new functionalities on short cycles (3 days) before switching on full SCRUM with one week cycles and continuous integration. Working on legacy code or Symfony 2, cleaning of checkstyle and PMD errors on several projects, programming of marketing operations in direct communication with marketing team, development validations with unit testing (PHPUnit) and functional testing (PHPUnit and Behat). Development environment under Debian, using PHPSTORM, GIT, Puppet, xdebug. Use of Redmine and transition to Jira and Confluence.
Apr 2014 - May 2016

Neolink, Blois, FRANCE

Full-stack Web Developer
Development of new functionalities (modules, RESTful Webservice, OAuth 1.0 authentication client and server side, ...); Security (protection against replay attacks, CSRF attacks and code injections); Framework improvements; Bug fixing; unit testing...
Dec 2012 - Oct 2013

LionBridge, Beijing, CHINA

Web & Quality Assurance Developer
Worked on a short project for Microsoft’s Windows Store, did functional and localization testing for the applications submitted to the store. Then worked on Apple’s FileMaker project, functional testing of several products (FileMaker Pro, Go and Server) on many systems (Windows 7/8/Server, OSX Leopard/Snow Leopard, iOS) and many browsers and devices (Safari, Chrome, IE 8/9/10, iPad, iPod), language check and translations.
Apr - Sep 2012

P1, Beijing, CHINA

Front-end Developer & QA
6 months final internship at P1 company in Beijing Shangdu SOHO. Development of few new front-end functionalities and also working as QA to check and fix front-end related bugs on every major browsers.
Jan - Mar 2012

ChinExpansion, Beijing, CHINA

3 months part-time internship for ChinExpansion in Beijing ZhongYu Plaza. Realization of a prototype of a smart-lighting management interface. Management of WiFi spots, security cameras (using ZoneMinder) and UCM to control the lights remotely using WiFi communications on a mesh network.
Summer 2011


Web Developer (Telework)
3 months internship at Degrif-Boat company. Realization of the new version of degrif-boat website (still in work) with Prestashop CMS. Creation of the new theme (using Smarty templates engine), pages and a module helping the staff to easily and quickly add offers to the Prestashop products database.

SUPINFO group projects

Realization of a community website using Wordpress and a back-office for a driving school. Management of students, teachers, training sessions, notations, vehicles availability, ...
Summer 2010


Web Developer (Telework)
3 months internship at Degrif-Boat company. Realization of the and websites in collaboration with a designer, implementation of a reservation form for boats used by all of Cap's Boat company's websites.

SUPINFO group projects

These subjects are given to SUPINFO by others companies. Creation of a Java application for managing students and teachers schedules for NORTHEAST University, USA.
Summer 2009

Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie (French Health Insurance System), Blois

System and Network Analyst
3 months internship. Realization of procedures concerning the IT service management in anticipation of a harmonization of the different centers in the region (Backup and recovery of servers, installation and configuration of a new switch, network mapping, cross-connect etc.) and user support.
Summer 2008

HEBEI University of Technology, Tianjin, CHINA

10 weeks internship in a Chinese University specialized on new technologies in order to study the Chinese culture and its position in the IT market. Attended classes: Chinese (mandarin) spoken and written, Chinese culture (gastronomy, kung-fu, Chinese history) followed by a diploma evaluation.